5 thousand dinars, the contribution of the student body of the needy Fatima Al-Ghanim..

The project to provide computers and devices to students received generous support, in-kind donations and thankful good initiatives, and the student bag of the late Hajji Fatima bint Ali Al-Ghanim, the campus of the late Hajj Youssef bin Ali Al-Ajmi, came in the forefront of which the support provided amounted to 5 thousand dinars.”

The President of the Society, Mr. Muhammad Ali Al-Darazi, thanked the family of the late Hajja Fatima bint Ali Al-Ghanim, wife of the late Hajj Youssef bin Ali Al-Ajmi, praising the righteous initiative of their children, and expressing the appreciation of the Society’s Board of Directors for this partnership and the continuous and growing support.” Again, thanks and greetings to all the shareholders and supporters of the projects Student support in the association.

For his part, the head of the Student Committee of the Diraz Charitable Society, Mr. Ammar Al-Dirazi, expressed all the pride in the community partnership with families, families, and social and commercial institutions in our service and support for our people in Diraz. and students”