
The “Duraz Against Corona” campaign is escalating on the paths of solidarity, awareness and community support..

Al-Duraz Charitable Association stressed the importance of awareness, seriousness and solidarity to overcome the repercussions and effects of the Corona Covid 19 epidemic, explaining that “a sense of the seriousness of responsibility and need, the formation of the “Duraz Against Corona” campaign team, which is concerned with coordinating efforts between those concerned from official and civil bodies in containing the negative effects on society and overcoming The challenges and repercussions of the current health crisis, and the priority of achieving the highest levels of solidarity and support for the affected people.
The association explained that the team embarked on a path of awareness and education through social media with guidance leaflets and guidance videos by doctors and specialists, with a participatory package with the parents, which provides moral and guidance support, promotes a healthy culture and supports efforts to confront the spread of the epidemic.
The association also participates in the initiatives of the people in difficult occasions, such as cases of sympathy and electronic and video condolence in the deaths, as it is one of the most prominent social challenges.
Which needs solidarity and support.
The association established a field team to research and study the affected and faltering cases in order to alleviate them. It also strengthened the stations of the “Takaful” initiative in conjunction with religious occasions, opened the door for support by various available means, and organized efforts to provide supportive services to the community and achieve the highest indicators of commitment to protection measures from the Corona epidemic. .
The association extended its sincere thanks and greetings to the organizers and initiators of participating in volunteering in the campaign, the material and moral contributions and initiatives and the supportive communication from individuals and entities that expressed their willingness to participate, stressing the welcome of all the ideas, proposals, opinions and observations paid.