Al-Dirazi: “Al-Diraz Charity” has witnessed qualitative leaps with the support and support of the people

The head of the Al-Duraz Charitable Society, Mr. Muhammad Ali Al-Darazi, confirmed that “the association, in the last period of the current administrative session 2019-2021 AD, has made important transfers, thanks and conciliation from God, and with the support and support of the people.”

In a speech by the Board of Directors at the General Assembly meeting held via the Zoom program on the evening of Wednesday, September 2, 2020, he said that one of the most prominent qualitative shifts that the association witnessed was “the development of the work environment and the move to a new and independent headquarters that meets a large part of the work needs, may God reward the supporters with goodness.” And one of our moves was to obtain a license to raise money, which reflected positively on the level of performance and raised the ceiling of aid, and we witnessed a number of projects and programs that we are proud of.”

We would like to thank all the supporters, donors, and employees of the association's work teams.

The text of the speech stated:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable prophets and messengers, Muhammad and his pure and good family
“..and those who give what they give while their hearts are trembling, that they will return to their Lord (*) those are left-wingers,
Brothers and sisters, members of the General Assembly of the Diraz Charitable Society, may the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.. and my best regards to you..
We welcome you all and thank you for your kind presence.
We meet in an exceptional circumstance in which we all bear the responsibility and we are challenged to continue our path based on the vision of the association, as a conscious, interconnected society, accelerating in good deeds. Since the establishment in 1993 AD, and here we pray and have mercy on those who have passed and salute those who remained and still raise the flag and continue on the path of goodness and giving.

In the last period of the current administrative session, the association witnessed important shifts, most notably the development of the work environment and the move to a new and independent headquarters that meets a large part of the work needs. The level of performance has been raised and the ceiling of aid has been raised, and we have also witnessed a number of projects and programs that we are proud of, and which are reviewed by the literary report whose content we expect to discuss with you. There is also more performance of the good forearms in the dedicated work teams in the various committees, for their creativity and thanks and greetings to you.
Our General Assembly, the Diraz Charitable Society, you are the source of its strength and supreme authority in its structure, which is based only on you. We are proud of you and we ask God to accept and grant us success by overcoming every shortcoming and fulfilling the trust to the fullest.
Let us proceed in our meeting with the blessing of God, and our last prayer is that praise be to God, Lord of the worlds..and may God bless Muhammad and his pure family.